Family Gathering PT. Astom Indonesia 2019

"With Family All Achieved"

Harmony in the relationship between workers in one company is one of the things that is very important in influencing a company's development. One way to improve harmony between workers was realized by PT Astom Indonesia in the Familly Gathering pt. Astom Indonesia. The event is routinely held by the company every year and is attended by all pt. Astom Indonesia and the working families of PT. Astom Indonesia.

Familly Gathering PT. Astom Indonesia in 2019 was held on Saturday, July 06, 2019 at Go Wet Water Tourism Park, Tambun and attended by about 500 participants consisting of workers and working families of PT. Astom Indonesia. The Familly Gathering is filled with various activities, such as children's competitions, doorprize division, and free events where workers and working families can enjoy facilities and rides owned by Go Wet water tourism park, Tambun.

At the time of the event all participants seemed happy and had a meeting with other workers and working families. It is expected that the company can be intertwined continuously and remain harmonious not only at family gathering events, but at work and in the surrounding environment.